Monitoring the energy footprint of the renovation works
Work continues at INPERSO on monitoring and controlling the energy and environmental footprint of the renovation processes included in the project. The task aims to make daily forecasts of energy consumption and the environmental impact of planned work operations, in order to implement the necessary measures to reduce them as much as possible during the carrying out of the works.
In this regard, the necessary information is already being gathered to assess the energy demand associated with the installation of each INPERSO component, along with the implementation plan and work schedule for each demo-case. Additionally, actual air quality monitoring data will be available at the demonstration sites during the works. The MuSECS tool and IEQ interface will enable daily predictions of consumption and environmental impact based on this input data, which will be validated during the renovation works.
Based on these estimations, informed decisions can be made, allowing modifications to the work plan and schedule to minimize energy and environmental impacts. This optimization exercise would allow a better control of the carbon footprint and the air quality during the implementation work, and might improve the perception of the building users who will be consulted through a satisfaction survey regarding the renovation process of their building.
Figure 1: Minimization procedure of energy and environmental footprints in renovation projects