Application of machinery innovation methodologies to industrialized approaches of building renovation
The realm of construction has long been identified with brick, mortar, and manual labour. However, as industries worldwide undergo a technological metamorphosis, construction, including renovation works, is no exception. Advanced industrialization can reshape the way renovations are approached and, with the integration of robotic technologies, a myriad of opportunities may be unlocked in the process.
With the industrialization of construction processes, there's a shift towards off-site manufacturing of components. This means that parts needed for a renovation can be precisely fabricated in a controlled environment and then assembled or integrated on-site. This modular approach speeds up the renovation process, minimizes disruptions, and often results in better quality work.
Furthermore, robotics offers precision, consistency, and efficiency; traits that can significantly enhance the quality and speed of renovation projects. Such capabilities can drastically reduce human error, ensuring longevity and safety of the resultant work.
However, the introduction of these technologies in construction is everything but straightforward and the use of systematic approaches to reach the desired functionality, efficiency and environmental friendliness are needed to reduce the technological risks associated with the challenges of such transformation.
In this context, among many other solutions, INPERSO project proposes an innovative robotic façade 3D printer to support energy renovation works. The prototype design and development is made following ITAINNOVA’s innovation methodology, called VINCI, which is the subject of this article.
The following diagram shows the different phases comprised and its relationships
Figure 1: VINCI - ITAINNOVA’s Machinery Innovation Methodology
VINCI is an ITAINNOVA’s own methodology based on System Development V-Model paradigm applied to Mechatronic systems. It incorporates agile principles, leverages simulation tools in specific phases, and champions multi-technology solutions. The methodology consists of 9 distinct steps that can be grouped into four main phases:
Phase 1: Conceptual design (agile loop)
1. Specifications definition: This initial step focuses on gathering the necessary "jobs to be done" and identifying potential constraints for the prototype. This involves all relevant stakeholders, ensuring all viewpoints are incorporated. Concurrently, an Early Validation Plan is established based on the specifications.
2. Concept generation: Arising from the requirements, this step involves the creation of the system architecture and the preliminary design concept. Activities typically include patent searches, technology watch, brainstorming sessions, TRIZ, and collaborations across diverse technical backgrounds.
3. Concept design: With the most promising concepts (usually selected using techniques like QFD), the design process begins. This phase often witnesses revisits to specification and concept generation, accommodating evolving requirements or conceptual alterations. It may include simulations to check the feasibility of achieving some functionalities or requirements and an extension of the early validation plan to include subsystem and interfaces tests in the Verification Plan.
Phase 2: Detailed mechatronic design (loop)
1. Mechatronic design. The result from the previous phase is a design where the system architecture, the functions and the interfaces are defined and, based on experience and/or simple models and calculations, seem to respond to the requirements. However, manufacturing a prototype much more detailed engineering is needed. It uses to consists of component sizing and selection and the design of specific parts.
2. Simulation. The design can be strongly supported by Multiphysics & Multidomain simulation, including SW and algorithms simulation when needed with MIL, HIL or SIL techniques. The level of detail of the models will be dependent on the purposes of the simulation and the expectations for the system prototype. High fidelity models may imply high computational cost non-affordable if many design loops are expected to be needed. As last activity, verification is addressed virtually of the step (if successful, if not, it will start another design loop).
Phase 3: Prototype preparation
3. Manufacturing, assembly, SW implementation. This phase deals with the prototype realization, encompassing procurements, manufacturing, programming, coding, assembly, integration, and other activities depending on the system under development. As this phase usually takes significant time and money investment, it is critical to guarantee at the end of Phase 2 that the design is likely to fulfil the requirements.
Phase 4: Verification & Validation
1. Subsystem tests. During phase 1, the requirements for each subsystem have been defined. In this step the test verification plan for each subsystem component is carried out. If previous activities had been properly executed, it should not involve redesigning and it should just be a check before integrating the system.
2. Integration tests. Prior to final validation, the interoperability of the different subsystems is verified according to planed tests.
3. Validation. This task is the culmination of all preceding steps, ensuring that the system operates as intended.
Benefits of the VINCI methodology, when complemented with the right tools and engineering expertise, include:
· Agile principles application in the conceptual design phase.
· Conceptual design driven by multi-technological engineering perspectives.
· Early verification and validation planning. Drafting such plans ensures clarity in the system's expectations.
· Decisions based on solid criteria and traceability throughout design phases.
· Verification of requirements through simulations, enabling early issue identification and design adjustments.
· Efficient handling of complexity arising from mechanics, electronics, software, and algorithms.
· Reduced testing phase in terms of time and resources.
This is the methodology that is being followed in INPERSO to guide the collaboration of VIAS, CARTIF, UPV, and ITAINNOVA and allow the integration of collaborative robots, Artificial Intelligence, advanced automation, electromechanical equipment, materials engineering, and BIM in a successful system able to support façade renovation works and improve building energy efficiency.