Advancements in INPERSO's Collaborative Robotic 3D Printing Integration
CARTIF, among other activities, is responsible for leading Work Package 2: Sustainable renewal processes and products. Within that WP, CARTIF is directly involved in the task ‘Robotic, vertical facade 3D printer Integration’, collaborating with VIAS (leader of the task), UPV and ITAINNOVA.
CARTIF is focused on developing the orchestration system for all subsystems and integrating the print head into the collaborative robot (cobot) that will be used.
As a first step, specifications, requirements, use cases, and a validation plan for the 3D printing system were defined by the partners in the task, led by ITAINNOVA.
Subsequently, various cobots were evaluated to identify the most suitable one based on the defined requirements. Ultimately, the decision was made to acquire a Universal Robots UR20 cobot, as it best aligns with the desired range and weight specifications. This robot will be mounted on a positioning system (based on a motorized scaffold and linear guide) that ITAINNOVA is developing.
Cobot UR20 acquired by CARTIF for the INPERSO project - Photo by Universal Robots
Furthermore, CARTIF is already collaborating with another cobot in its possession, the UR10 (similar to the one that will ultimately be used), and the trajectories provided by UPV have already started to be simulated. In fact, a prototype system has been set up using a drawing tool (shown in the following image) until the mixing and pumping system becomes available, which will be integrated with the collaboration of VIAS.
Path testing with the currently available UR10 cobot - Photo by CARTIF